
The study was conducted in the states of Haryana and Punjab with retailers and consumers in semi-urban and rural areas.

12000 consumers and 1200 retailers across 12 districts in Haryana and Punjab.

Clients sub-brands which are extremely successful in the state of UP did not catch the fancy of the customer in Haryana and Punjab and there was weak brand perception as well as sales in spite of aggressive launch activity. The constructing giant engaged MIC to assist them re-invent their Brand image.

MIC started with a diagnostic survey and established hypothesis for possible brand perception and image.

MIC designed the primary survey targeted towards retailers and consumers of cement and conducted the survey in a very tight time frame. MIC the analyzed the data and presented inferences.

The questionnaire covered all aspects like target customers, Buyer Behavior in alternate segments, Attribute Value matrix for cement Brand recall, perceptions and image maps of key companies, Loyalty and drivers of loyalty, Apparent retailer influence, Brand image drivers, Influence patterns, tangibility of product values, emotive contexts in brand interface.

  • The client agreed to drop sub-brands
  • The client agreed to invest in JAYPEE as a mother brand
  • Client convinced on  investing  in brand  ambassador  –  Sachin Tendulkar
  • The client agreed to develop a Technical Services Cell and gave add-on contract to MIC
  • Client registered 7 times sales increase in next 1 year period